Saturday, December 24, 2011

Family Thanks

It's been a week to the day now that I've blogged even though I've been at CF610 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. All were challenging workouts but still fun indeed.

It's no question that you can't CF without family. Not direct family members but just friends that are family. I have family in Cincinnati, with Northwestern Mutual, my real family and also my CrossFit 610 family. Without their constant support and encouragement, especially through today's WOD, I couldn't have made it. Thanks to Adam for running the last 800M with me, thanks to Karen and Evan for pushing me through WallBalls, thanks to Dennis, Justin, Jax, Heather, Courtney and everyone else for pushing me through the Box Jumps. Without the encouragement and support I got, it wouldn't have been a successful day.

This was by far a WOD that could have been cherrypPicked by people. Cherry picked meaning "oh let me check out what Saturday's WOD is...oh there's no way I'm going to that!!". Big ups to all that showed up today and brought their all.



30 BOX JUMPS (24 for first 2 rounds...20 for last 3 rounds)
30 WALL BALL (20)
400M RUN

Completed in 50:33 (I think...results not posted yet).

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. See you readers next Tuesday!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Just like the damn song...

1 Christmas Power Snatch (95 lbs)
2 Ring dips (jumping)
3 Burpees
4 Pull-ups (jumping)
5 Toes-2-Bar (on ground)
6 Push-ups
7 Air-Squats
8 Jumping Lunges (each jump = 1)
9 Box Jumps (20")
10 Wall-Balls (20)
11 KBS (24KG)
12 Thrusters (95 lbs)
WOD completed in 38:35. It was fun to watch the competitors complete the WOD after us. Mike did an astonishing 11:51...sub 12:00 just like he said. Job well done for all who were there!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Sorry's been way to long (almost a month) since I last blogged about the struggles, good times, intense workouts and sweat angels all at CF610. Figured I was so frustrated throughout today's workout that it would be good to indulge you all on the crazyness tonight. I feel myself getting stronger and the clothes are fitting better...need to start writing things down so that I have benchmarks of where I'm at and where I want to go.


15 MINUTES TO FIND 1 REP MAX SNATCH BALANCE (125 lbs - was impressed with the flexibility in my hips but still need work on my shoulders)
    *1/2 WITH RIGHT-1/2 WITH LEFT*
Completed in a whopping 33 minutes. Started at 24kg and then my left arm killed me as I frequently lost balance and couldn't withstand it. Hence the frustration starting very early in the workout. Dropped to 20kg, frustrated again and finally ended with 16kg. Still in "singles" mode (both in CF610 and with the ladies...go ahead and LOL) so my singles were 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20.
I had that feeling in my chest that I was tensing up and getting short of breath due to the frustration. Deep breaths led to me calming down (if that's even possible during a WOD). Even told Evan I was close to stopping and I was glad to hear that he wouldn't have let me. Thanks agin to Adam and Evan for the continuous support throughout the WOD.

I'll leave you with this for all of you out there that still ask yourself "What the Hell is that CrossFit stuff?".

Eat meat and vegtables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.  Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.  Practice and train all major lifts:  Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J and snatch.  Similarly master the basics of gymnastics:  Pull ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds.  Bike, run, swim, row, ect, hard and fast.  Five to Six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow.  Routine is the enemy.  Keep workouts short and intense.  Regularly learn and play new sports.

-Greg Glassman-